the history of the establishment of the scouts that inspire the spirit of the nation

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Scouting known in Indonesia as Scouting, developed by Lord Baden Powell as a way of fostering young people in Britain involved in violence and crime, download rpp he applied intensive scouts to 21 youths by camping on Brownsea island for 8 days in 1907 The success of Baden Powell before and after the camp at Brownsea was written in a book called “Scouting for Boy”. download rpp k13

Through the book “Scouting for Boy” that scouting to grow including in Indonesia. In the period 1950-1960, scouting organizations grew increasingly in number and variety, even among scouting organizations affiliated with political parties, of course it was against the basic principles and methods of scouting. download gratis

The existence of scouts like this is considered ineffective and can not keep up with the development of download gratis time and less useful in supporting the development of the Nation and the development of young people who preserve the unity and unity of the Nation.

Noting such circumstances and the impetus of the scouts at that time, and departed from the MPRS decree no. II / MPRS / 1960, President Soekarno as MPRS mandate on 9 March 1961 gave a mandate to the leadership of Pandu at the Merdeka Palace. He feels obliged to carry out the mandate of the MPRS, download gratis to further streamline the scouting organization as a potential nation component in nation and state development.

Therefore he declared the dissolution of scouting organization in Indonesia and merged into a single scouting movement organization organization called MOVEMENT OF PRAMUKA download gratis which was given the task of conducting scouting education for children and youth of Indoneisa. Scout Movement with the symbol of TUNAS KELAPA in the form of Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, May 20, 1961.

Although Gearakan Pramuka its existence is determined by Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 238 of 1961, download gratis but officially Scout Movement was introduced to the audience on August 14, 1961 shortly after the President of Republic of Indonesia granted Panji Gerakan Pramuka with Presidential Decree No. 448 1961. Since then the date of August 14 was made as the Birthday of Scout Movement.

The development of Scout Movement experienced ups and downs and in a certain period of time less perceived importance by young people, consequently the inheritance of the values ​​contained in the philosophy of Pancasila in the formation of the personality of young people who are download gratis the core of scouting education is not optimal. Recognizing this, on the anniversary of the 45th Scout Movement of 2006, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono proclaimed the Revitalization of Scout Movement.


Implementation of Revitalization of Scout Movement which among others in efforts to strengthen the organization of Scout Movement has resulted in the issuance of Law Number 12 Year 2010 on PRAMUKA MOVEMENT.

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